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Cub Scout Pack 3940
(Two Rivers, Wisconsin)
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About Scouting

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Check out this site:
Cub Scout Trail Webelos.

Webelos is a 20 month program for 4th and 5th grade boys to prepare to join a Boy Scout troop while learning outdoors skills and participating in 20 different activity badges. A well-run group of Webelos is a gradual change from being an 'adult-run' den to being a 'boy-run' patrol ready to fit right into an adventurous scouting troop. This migration requires the parents and den leaders to give the scouts more and more control, decision-making power, and responsibility as they progress in skills, abilities, and maturity. A good program also provides the scouts with many opportunities to grow in the Webelos Virtues.

A boy becomes a Webelos Scout upon graduation from the Bear program in the spring of third grade. He has all summer to get started on Webelos activities. Boys new to Cub Scouting can become Webelos if they are 10 years old or have completed third grade, and have earned the Bobcat badge.

The end of the Webelos Scout program is when the Webelos Scouts graduate into a troop, typically in February or March of their fifth grade year for those areas holding early graduations. Other groups may graduate at the end of fifth grade when the school year ends.

Webelos Program:
The Webelos program has two major milestones - the Webelos rank badge to be earned around February of 4th grade and the Arrow of Light to be earned around February of 5th grade. The final part of Webelos is bridging over into a Boy Scout troop selected individually by the scout.

Once the goals of Webelos are understood, the methods of the program make a lot of sense! There are a few major changes between Cub Scouts and Webelos scouts that are very important to the success of your program. Some adult leaders and parents find it difficult to adjust to these changes so a Parent Meeting to discuss expectations and changes from Cub Scouts is critical to your success. Use parents to plan and lead individual activity badges. The Webelos den leader will have more paperwork and tracking than the wolf or bear den leader.

Important differences from Cub Scouts to Webelos:

  1. Advancement Sign Off - each Webelos scout is supposed to take his handbook to the den leader or assistant den leader for sign off when a requirement is completed. This is a change from having a parent sign off every activity. This change prepares the scout to have a ScoutMaster sign off each advancement requirement in Boy Scouts. There is more responsibility put on the scout to remember and bring his handbook to meetings and get it signed. The handbook should be brought to every meeting.
  2. Webelos Activity Badges - Bear and Wolf scouts earned red or yellow progress towards rank beads to string on a totem. Once enough were earned, they received the rank badge. Webelos moves closer to the Boy Scout merit badge system with a recognizable pin for each activity badge earned. Individual scouts may earn different badges at different times and there are only a couple badges that are mandatory to earn ranks. This change gives the scout more control over his advancement and lets him choose areas he enjoys more.
  3. Camping - Webelos dens should Camp! Cub Scouts can camp as a pack, but Webelos should go out as a den as much as possible to give the scouts opportunities to learn and use their Outdoorsman, Naturalist, Forester, and Readyman skills. Each Webelos scout needs to have an adult responsible for him on each camping trip. Campouts in the backyard with dinner and s'mores made on a gas grill can be a great way to ease your scouts into the world of camping. Taking your den to a district or council organized summer Webelos camp is recomend to be included as a part of your program. Most councils have a one or two day overnight camp every summer for Webelos.
  4. Patrols - a patrol is just another name for the den but it does have some significance. Boy Scouts are organized into Patrols, each with their own name, flag, yell, leader, and emblem. As Webelos, a den can begin to operate as a patrol and select an emblem for their uniform, make up a yell, name, and flag. This can really get the scouts to become a team. Taking their flag along on a campout or hike and announcing themselves with their yell is pretty fun. A great time to start working as a patrol is when everyone in the den earns their Webelos rank, set a goal of becoming a patrol - choosing a n ame, selecting an emblem, coming up with a yell and designing a flag. It is often a good time to consider electing a patrol leader (a denner) to serve for the next month with a new denner elected each month giving each scout an opportunity to practice his leadership skills.

Webelos Virtues

Virtues are good character traits.

As Webelos, we will take advantage of opportunities to build these Webelos virtues in ourselves and work towards living the Scout Law.

Webelos Virtues

My Opportunities
Wisdom I will listen, watch, and learn. I will use what I learn to help others and set a good example.
Courage I will lead group activities, go places with my den without a parent, and sleep outside.
Self-Control I will be responsible for my actions and not blame others. I will stop playing when it is time to work. I will treat others with respect.
Justice I will not lie, cheat, or steal.
I will include everyone when I play and I will play fair.
Faith I will say Grace before each meal.
Hope I will look forward to tomorrow and new adventures.
Love I will show love by obeying my parents, helping my friends, and respecting others.

Webelos Badge and Arrow of Light Requirements

Webelos Badge:

  1. Have an adult member of your family read and sign the Parent Guide in the front of the Webelos Scout Book.
  2. Be an active member of your Webelos den for 3 months.
  3. Know and explain the meaning of the Webelos badge.
  4. Point out and explain the three parts of the Webelos Scout uniform. Tell when to wear the uniform and when not to wear it.
  5. Earn the Fitness and Citizen activity badges and one other activity badge from a different activity badge group.
  6. Plan and lead a flag ceremony in your den that includes the U.S. flag.
  7. Show that you know and understand the requirements to be a Boy Scout.
    1. Demonstrate the Scout salute, Scout sign, and Scout handshake. Explain when you would use them.
    2. Explain the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout motto, and Scout slogan.
    3. Explain and agree to follow the Outdoor Code.
  8. Faith
    After completing the rest of requirement 8, do these (a, b, and c):
    1. Know: Tell what you have learned about faith.
    2. Commit: Tell how these faith experiences help you live your duty to God. Name one faith practice that you will continue to do in the future.
    3. Practice: After doing these requirements, tell what you have learned about your beliefs.

    And do one of these (d OR e):

    1. Earn the religious emblem of your faith*
    2. Do two of these: (Use this Worksheet to track activity)
      • Attend the mosque, church, synagogue, temple, or other religious organization of your choice, talk with your religious leader about your beliefs. Tell your family and your Webelos den leader what you learned.
      • Discuss with your family and Webelos den leader how your religious beliefs fit in with the Scout Oath and Scout Law, and what character-building traits your religious beliefs have in common with the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
      • With your religious leader, discuss and make a plan to do two things you think will help you draw nearer to God. Do these things for a month.
      • For at least a month, pray or meditate reverently each day as taught by your family, and by your church, temple, mosque, synagogue, or religious group.
      • Under the direction of your religious leader, do an act of service for someone else. Talk about your service with your family and Webelos den leader. Tell them how it made you feel.
      • List at least two ways you believe you have lived according to your religious beliefs.

Arrow of Light

The highest award in Cub Scouts is earned by Webelos that have been active participants in their den and are ready to join a Boy Scout troop. Many of the requirements for the Arrow of Light are intended to familiarize the scout with a local troop and hopefully show him that crossing over into a troop is the next step to take in scouting. A scout that earns his Arrow of Light patch has also completed nearly all the requirements to earn the Scout badge in the troop so he has already begun his Boy Scout trail.

  1. Be active in your Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade (or for at least six months since becoming 10 years old), and earn the Webelos badge.
  2. Show your knowledge of the requirements to become a Boy Scout by doing all of these:
    • Repeat from memory and explain in your own words the Scout Oath or Promise and the 12 points of the Scout Law. Tell how you have practiced them in your everyday life.
    • Give and explain the Scout motto, slogan, sign, salute, and handshake.
    • Understand the significance of the First Class Scout badge. Describe its parts and tell what each stands for.
    • Tell how a Boy Scout uniform is different from a Webelos Scout uniform.
    • Tie the joining knot (square knot)
    Use this handy Memorization Wheel to learn and review the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan, and Outdoor Code.
  3. Earn five more activity badges in addition to the three you already earned for the Webelos badge. These must include:
    • Fitness (already earned for the Webelos badge)
    • Citizen (already earned for the Webelos badge)
    • Readyman
    • Outdoorsman
    • At least one from the Mental Skills Group
    • At least one from the Technology Group
    • Two more of your choice
  4. With your Webelos den, visit at least
    • one Boy Scout troop meeting
    • one Boy Scout-oriented outdoor activity. (If you have already done this when you earned your Outdoorsman activity badge, you may not use it to fulfill requirements for your Arrow of Light Award.)
  5. Participate in a Webelos overnight campout or day hike.
    (If you have already done this when you earned your Outdoorsman activity badge, you may not use it to fulfill requirements for your Arrow of Light Award requirements.)
  6. After you have completed all five of the above requirements, and after a talk with your Webelos den leader, arrange to visit, with your parent or guardian, a meeting of a Boy Scout troop you think you might like to join. Have a conference with the Scoutmaster.
  7. Complete the Honesty Character Connection.
    1. Know: Say the Cub Scout Promise to your family. Discuss these questions with them. What is a promise? What does it mean to keep your word? What does it mean to be trustworthy? What does honesty mean?
    2. Commit: Discuss these questions with your family. Why is a promise important? Why is it important for people to trust you when you give your word? When might it be difficult to be truthful? List examples.
    3. Practice: Discuss with a family member why it is important to be trustworthy and honest. How can you do your best to be honest even when it is difficult?

Activity Badges

There are 20 activity badges. They are an integral part of the Webelos den program. They provide exciting activities for den meetings and suggest outside activities that will break up the routine of regular indoor meetings. Activity badges are part of the requirements for earning the "Webelos badge and the Arrow of Light Award". But, most of all, they help accomplish the purposes of Cub Scouting.

The Webelos den meeting program will usually feature one activity badge each month. The boys receive instruction, practice what they have been taught, and take part in games or contests using the skills. In some cases they actually pass the badge requirements. Once the skill is learned by the boy, he practices it at den meetings and at home on his own. The boy's family should be encouraged to help him at home. All work or experiments are done or brought to meetings to show others. This encourages a boy to do his best and gives the uncertain boys an idea of what is required. Essays, notebooks, drawings, and other written work are turned in to the Webelos den leader for approval. If the requirement says for a boy to "tell," he should do that at a den meeting.

Many people can be involved in activity badge work. The Webelos den leader and Webelos den chief will handle quite a bit. However, there will be parents, other family members, or other adults with talents and skill related to certain badges who should be invited to help also. Remember to enlist the aid of outsiders who can teach the badge requirements.

Activity badges offer a good opportunity to spice up Webelos den meetings. They provide opportunities forecasts and demonstrations at pack meetings. And they might create an interest that will lead to a hobby or career in later life.

Webelos wear them either on their Webelos cap or on the Webelos "colors". It does not matter which pin goes on which ribbon. The Webelos colors go below and touching the den number, or below and touching the U.S. flag if there is no den number (such as using patrol badges). The activity badges are in five groups of four badges each. The groups are:

Physical Skills
Mental Skills
  • Aquanaut
  • Athlete
  • Fitness
  • Sportsman
  • Artist
  • Scholar
  • Showman
  • Traveler
  • Citizen
  • Communicator
  • Family Member
  • Readyman
  • Craftsman
  • Engineer
  • Handyman
  • Scientist
  • Forester
  • Geologist
  • Naturalist
  • Outdoorsman

Webelos Scouts can earn the Compass Points Emblem and Compass Points as recognition of earning more activity badges than the minimum required for Webelos. The scout must earn the Webelos badge first, before being awarded the compass points emblem, no matter how many activity badges he has earned. The emblem and the compass points are each awarded for an additional four activity badges. The totals are as follows:

  • 3 Webelos
  • 7 Compass Points Emblem
  • 11 Compass Point #1
  • 15 Compass Point #2
  • 19 Compass Point #3

Acitivty Badge Counselor

Qualifications: The activity badge counselor may be a Webelos parent, a pack leader, a teacher, coach, or other adult qualified to teach one or more activity badges to Webelos Scouts. This is usually a temporary position.

Responsibilities: The activity badge counselor's responsibilities are to:

  • Provide activity badge instruction at Webelos den meetings, as requested by the Webelos den leader. This could include providing resources and instruction on model building, leading field trips, instruction and help on collections and specimens, and other projects. The service usually extends over three or four den meetings for each badge.
  • Be familiar with the Webelos Scout Book in presenting activity information and certifying requirements.
  • Help Webelos Scouts gain self-confidence in completing projects and in dealing with adults.
  • Follow the Webelos den time schedule for activity badge instruction.
  • Help recruit other activity badge counselors.